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2017. Szeptember 06. (szerda)
TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Lantos Lili: Let’s build a human!

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Lantos Lili: Let’s build a human!

Let’s build a human! Lili is a 17 year-old student from Budapest, having done he...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/06 14:15

2017. Szeptember 05. (kedd)
TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Szomora Alexandra: Me with Lenon's lens

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Szomora Alexandra: Me with Lenon's lens

Me with Lenon's lens Alexandra Szomora is living in London and working in online...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 15:45

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Morandini Viktor: Happy, even on Mondays

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Morandini Viktor: Happy, even on Mondays

Happy, even on Mondays Viktor claims to have found the secret to happiness. Don...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 14:15

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Léderer Dániel: The future of education

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Léderer Dániel: The future of education

The future of education Adam seeks the opportunities to build a community of age...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 13:45

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Karcagi Péter: Why aren't we living already on Mars?

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Karcagi Péter: Why aren't we living already on Mars?

Why aren’t we living already on Mars? Peter Karcagi, as a hobby astronomer (or a...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 12:45

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Kőszegi Tamás: The cinema of tomorrow

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Kőszegi Tamás: The cinema of tomorrow

The cinema of tomorrow Tamás is an award-winning film and animation director, an...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 12:45

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Elian Ferreira: Surrounded by over-thinkers

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Elian Ferreira: Surrounded by over-thinkers

Surrounded by over-thinkers We should stop trying to control everything that hap...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 12:15

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Halász Péter: Sign in

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Halász Péter: Sign in

Sign In Halász Péter is an applied linguist, English teacher and lyricist. Howev...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 12:15

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Ahmed Ehab: One world in one backpack

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Ahmed Ehab: One world in one backpack

One world in one backpack Ahmed Ehab is an Arab Egyptian born & raised in...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 11:45

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Csángó Dániel: Party for a Better World

TEDxYouth Budapest Klub@Sziget_Csángó Dániel: Party for a Better World

Party for a Better World Approximately every 7th person in the world has some ki...
TEDxYouth Budapest, 2017/09/05 11:45

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