Love Revolution presents: Reasons for Hope - Jane Goodall PhD (UK)Videó: Zene, koncertek, előadók és énekesek, klipek és zene TV-k:Love Revolution presents: Reasons for Hope - Jane Goodall PhD (UK)
Forrás: Sziget Fesztivál, 2019/07/23 12:00

Love Revolution presents: Reasons for Hope - Jane Goodall PhD (UK)Love Revolution presents: Reasons for Hope - Jane Goodall PhD (UK)
Dan Panaitescu Main Stage, Thursday, Aug 8. 19:00
Reasons for Hope - Jane Goodall PhDUKActivitiesBACK
Dan Panaitescu Main Stage
Thursday, Aug 8. 19:00
Nearly 60 years ago, Jane Goodall first set foot onto the shores of what is today Tanzania’s Gombe National Park to begin her pioneering behavioural study into the lives of chimpanzees. In the past decades, this research has transformed scientific perceptions on the relationship between humans and animals, with her mission evolving into a quest to empower others to make the world a better place for all living things. In 1977, Dr. Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute, a global leader in innovative conservation approaches that better the lives of local people living around chimpanzee habitats. Today, the Institute operates with 30 global offices supporting the research at Gombe in addition to innovative community-centered conservation projects, chimpanzee sanctuaries in Africa, and the Institute’s international youth program, Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, founded more than 25 years ago is now active in nearly 100 countries. Since 1986, Dr. Goodall has traveled nearly 300 days a year on a perpetual world speaking tour, visiting 27 countries just last year alone. She is a United Nations Messenger of Peace and Dame of the British Empire. Her many awards and honors are simply too numerous to list.
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