32nd ILC - Universal Peace Federation - Seoul, Korea ... 3.Videó: Hírek, hírvideók, aktuális események, politika, belföld és külföld:32nd ILC - Universal Peace Federation - Seoul, Korea ... 3.
Forrás: Közéleti Gazdasági Krónika, 2018/09/01 07:45

32nd ILC - Universal Peace Federation - Seoul, Korea ... 3.In the 32nd International Leadership Conference (ILC), sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation, to be convened on August 26-29, 2018 in Seoul, Korea. The theme for the ILC is “Addressing the Critical Challenges of our Time: The Responsibility of Parliamentarians and Religious Leaders.”
A select group of international participants will be in attendance, including many current parliamentarians, along with religious leaders and civil society leaders. We believe your participation in this important conference will help assure its success.
The ILC series has been a flagship program of the UPF since its founding and has been the foundation for a wide range of initiatives, including the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development, the World Summit series, and many other programs.
The ILC will focus on the search for innovative solutions to some of the critical issues that we face on the local, national, regional and global levels, from climate change to the rise of extremist ideologies, humanitarian disasters, and conflict.
A special segment of the ILC program will feature a program that honors the legacy of UPF’s Co-Founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who passed away in 2012. On August 27, all participants are invited as guests of honor to attend the World Peace Blessing and Congratulatory Banquet by UPF Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
The ILC provides a golden opportunity for us to come together as leaders from various sectors, to search together for solutions to our world’s critical problems.
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