Bitcoin or Ethereum? Elon Musk and Cathie Wood big conference!Videó: Számítástechnika, tudományos kutatások, okostelefon és laptop tesztek:Bitcoin or Ethereum? Elon Musk and Cathie Wood big conference!
Forrás: TheOtherworldonline, 2023/03/12 13:15

Bitcoin or Ethereum? Elon Musk and Cathie Wood big conference!When all of these things make it into the data that Fed looks at over the next few months, Jerome Powell might surprise the market by raising interest rates higher than expected or keep them higher longer than expected, or both. That doesn’t mean another 75 basis point raise on interest rates right now. It could be a couple 25 basis point raises that turn into 50. Or a couple 50 basis point raises that turn into 75. Or that interest rates stay closer to 4% instead of 3.25 through 2025.Az objektív tájékozódás érdekében javasoljuk, hogy a híreknek / eseményeknek több külön forrásnál is nézz utána!

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